Digital Transformation

Encordia's digital transformation services empower businesses to achieve tangible efficiency gains, saving time and resources while driving impactful results.

What is Digital Transformation?

With tangible efficiency gains, Encordia’s digital transformation services empower businesses, save them time and resources, and drive impactful results. Digital transformation integrates digital technologies to help businesses to streamline operations, increase efficiency and improve customer services. For businesses to remain competitive and agile in the digital era, this must be embraced, driving growth and innovation at an accelerated pace.

Inbox user interface

Encordia played a pivotal role in transforming our European HR Operations, providing tailored solutions that addressed our silos and inefficient payroll processes. Their exceptional communication stood out—they were genuinely invested in our success and tackled any task with a can-do attitude. Thanks to Encordia’s expertise, our efficiency significantly improved as well as our system knowledge and technology utilisation.

Head of HR Service Management
Major Airline Company


Digital Transformation

Process Redesign
By redesigning workflows, removing repetitive low level human activities, leveraging digital technologies and enhancing efficiency, process redesign helps to reduce costs, human data input error and processing time. This makes businesses competitive, foster innovation and propel growth.
Reimagining strategy and vision helps to reshape organisational goals and direction. This is crucial for increasing competitiveness and cultivating a culture of innovation.
Improvement & Optimisation
To increase productivity, save costs, adapt to market changes and deliver a superior experience to customers, processes must be refined and technology leveraged to streamline operations and increase overall efficiency.
Back Office/ERP
Implementing cross departmental processes and unifying the flow of data leads to increased productivity. Frictionless, end to end solutions reduce human input and effort, which optimises resource allocation across the business.

Case Study

Rail Industry Retailer

Revolutionising a UK-wide national retailer’s services with scalable solutions.

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